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5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Business

As an affiliate marketer, you'll always looking for ways to grow your business. Focus on growth and you can earn more and work less. Work smarter instead of harder with these 5 simple little ways to grow your affiliate marketing business.

Method 1: Offer Something No One Else Is

Sometimes, people will buy things just because they really need it. Other times, people will be on the fence, and it's up to you to push them to the other side. You also have to consider that there are many other affiliates out there, chasing the same commissions you're chasing.

You need to stand out from the crowd by offering something no one else is. You want to add your own twist to things so people can't help but buy through your link because it's such a fantastic deal.

Let's say you're promoting that potty training product. So are marketers B and C. B doesn't pay attention to the community and his reviews are really impersonal, so he's not a worry. But C does a great job at being part of the community and her reviews are really outstanding.

How can you stand apart from marketer C and get the commission if someone happens across both of your communities or pages?

I recommend you offer some kind of killer, related bonus. For example, you could interview a top potty training expert and offer the download to anyone who buys through your link. You could offer personal email help for anyone struggling. Make it a really great offer that adds so much value they'll never give marketer C more than a passing glance. You'll win the commission and be wealthier for it. People love getting bonuses so it's definitely a win-win.

What are some other ways you can set yourself apart? Study the competition and figure out what that means for your niche.

Method 2: Give It That Professional Twist

You've seen review sites that look like they were cobbled together by 12 year olds. You've also seen review sites that look extremely professional, are well organized, and yet are still really personal and friendly.

How does your review site come across? It might be time to test a few elements or to go for a design change. If you're still using a free Blogger blog, now might be the time to get your own domain (they make it pretty easy to do).

If you're in a really competitive niche, you want to be as professional as possible and yet still unique. The cool thing is that you're never locked into a style or strategy. Don't be afraid to grow and change your affiliate site over time.

Implement one new thing here and another new thing there and test the results. You might be surprised about what does work and what doesn't work.

Once you have the resources to do so, you'll want to start buying the products you're reviewing. You can often get the information you need to write a great review on the web, but it can make a big difference if you're posting your hands-on experience and have your own pictures to back it up. If you become popular enough, you'll start to have things sent to you for free, which is definitely a nice perk.

Method 3: Never Stop Creating, No Matter What

Don't get lazy with your affiliate marketing business. That's what it is-- a business. It's easy to relish in the passive income and just let things go. More than one marketer has told me they built up a nice affiliate income but got distracted and complacent and now they no longer have that business.

You can't stop creating. If you want to grow, try outsourcing parts of the business that you're too busy for or don't really enjoy. Continuously post and stay on top of the trends. Pay attention to what's going on and stay a thought leader on your topic.

If it's feasible, consider creating your own products for a bigger piece of the pie. As great as hands-off affiliate income is, you're promoting for the other guy. You can get to a position where other affiliates are promoting for you, and that's a really nice place to be.

Method 4: Strive For Total Domination

What will it take for you to earn a full time, six-figure income as an affiliate marketer?

Here's what you need:

A good size list-- Your list is where you should focus a lot of your energy. Build your list and learn how to work that list (by giving more than you're receiving) and you can easily reach a full time income, even if you don't have the biggest list in your niche.

A relationship with your readers and subscribers-- People buy from those they like and trust. Once you get to a certain level, you'll have people actually coming to you and asking for your affiliate link or recommendation because you're the only one they want to go through.

Domination of Google for some key terms-- Remember that you don't want to show up for just one or two search terms, you want to show up for a bunch. And you don't want to just dominate one spot per key term; you want to dominate the first page of Google for the most profitable ones. Get more web properties up and succeed.

An active presence in social media and online communities-- People should start to associate your name or your brand with your niche. Be active in social media and share your expertise and recommendations. Be helpful and really stand out from the crowd.

Method 5: Become the Ultimate List Marketer

The top affiliate marketers have achieved their success because they are really good at working their list. Here are some ways you can emulate what the most successful do so you can put yourself on that list of ultimate list marketers.

Drive traffic to your list every day-- Your list is your biggest asset, so focus a lot of energy on building it. Just as much as you focus on your affiliate site.

Have a great follow-up sequence-- Don't leave people hanging after they sign up for your list. You want them to really get to know you. You also want to earn some money. Depending on your niche, you can send the intro email with their freebie, one or two helpful, informative emails, a soft promotion, then lead up to a hard promotion. Let this run for whoever signs up for your list-- that's money on autopilot!

Learn to tell stories-- As a list marketing affiliate, you need to get good at sending emails. Study how to write copy and how to weave stories into your promotions.

Share more than you receive-- Always give back to your list. You're here to help people, not just make a buck.

At the same time, you can't be afraid to sell. If they don't buy it through your link they'll just buy it through someone else's. You're a marketer; embrace it.

Mail frequently-- Don't be afraid to mail. You may not want to mail every day (or maybe you do). It's fine to mail every other day or whatever works best in your tests. As long as you're helpful, friendly, and not over-the-top, your readers will look forward to your emails and actually ask where you've been if you don't mail as frequently.


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