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Forget About Hidden Keys or Padlocks ... Learn What Really Works To Keep Your Home Safe!


Eight seconds. That is the frequency with which home invasions occur in North America. About every eight seconds, a burglary or theft occurs in an American home. To put that in perspective, consider that just in the time you have been reading these few sentences, two to three homes were just invaded, shattering the lives of the people residing there. To make matters worse, consider that many of those invasions occurred while one or more residents were home! Protecting your home is about much more than the possibility of losing a few prized, but replaceable possessions. It is about protecting the lives and well-being of yourself and of all those most precious to you. If this scares you, it should.


It is scary to think that some opportunistic criminal could do harm to you and yours and take for his or her own what you have worked so hard to earn.  But there is a key in that last sentence: opportunistic. Break-ins and home invasions are almost exclusively crimes of opportunity. Criminals go where the pickings are easy and the fruit ripe for the taking. If you know how to deflate that opportunity, then you have a powerful tool in your arsenal of home security, and the best defense for you and your family.

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Basic Knowledge About Home Surveillance

If you are interested in protecting your home with a surveillance system, you should first grasp the concepts of the technology. There are many alternatives and "what ifs" to any home surveillance system.  Selecting which type is best for you can be a bit easier, if you know what they offer and which one will work the best for you. Learning the basic concepts involved with home surveillance systems should be your first step in selection.


The Best Ways To Prevent Burglary

These days, home burglary is one the rise.  Over 70% of all crime these days relates to property crimes, normally involving the home.  Although police and local authorities are doing everything they can to put a stop to crime, burglary is something that cannot be stopped.  Even though there are ways to protect yourself, burglars will always be lurking out there - waiting for their next victim. Here are some strategies to make your home burglar-proof.


Preventing Burglary With Adequate Lighting

As many already know, adequate lighting is a critical part of keeping your home safe.  Even though lighting is very important to home safety, a lot of homeowners don't look at their lighting as being an integral aspect of safety.  No matter where you may live, you should always make sure that there is plenty of lighting in place, particulary around the doors of your house, and that the lights are out of reach for those without a ladder.


All About Padlocks

We all remember the days of the padlock.  When they were first available, they presented a great way to keep your belongings safe.  They were common with lockers at school, with just about every locker having one.  Padlocks were easy to open as well; all you needed was the combination.  Once you had the combination, all it took was three clockwise turns, two counterclockwise, and once last clockwise turn to hit the final number and open the padlock.


Fire Escape Ladders And Your Home

If you own a home - a fire escape ladder is always great to have.  It can save your life, and should therefore be an integral part of your residential safety.  A fire at can completely engulf your home in no time at all, normally in less than a minute.  Even though you may have smoke alarms and fire extinguishers there, the fire can get out of control fast and surround you with smoke, making it impossible for you to get out.


Guard Dogs And Home Security

These days, home security is simply a must have.  Burglaries and crime are always on the rise, which makes it all the more important to protect your home.  There are various burglary alarms and home surveillance systems available, designed to help you protect your home.  Although they are good in their own rights, nothing compares to an old fashioned guard dog.  Guard dogs have been used for generations - to help people protect their homes and their belongings.


Guns And Home Security

Guns have always been a sure way to protect yourself and your home, although things have changed quite a bit over the years.  Even though those who live in the United States have a right to bear arms, there are also certain responsibilities that come along as well.  Those who own guns have the responsibility of protecting their home and their family - and also their guns.  Anyone who owns a gun may have self protection in mind - although he also has a priority to protect his guns as well.


Making A Safe Room

The safe room, which is also known as a panic room, is a secure location within a home or building that is designed to provide safety for families during terrorist attacks, nature, burglaries, or other types of threats.  A safe room is an ideal investment for any home owner, although the more fortified rooms with heavy security are normally found in the homes of the rich. For most of us, a safe room is simply a location that family members can go to in an emergency situation.


Theft Proofing Your Mailbox

Although most people only think about their home and property when dealing with home security, the mailbox is equally as important.  On a daily basis, there is a lot of personal information that goes through your mailbox.  Even though burglary is a concern, identity theft is just as big of a concern as well.  Most people don't even think about theft proofing their mailboxes, which easily explains the increase in identity theft over the years.


Vacations And Home Security

Nothing is more stressful, disappointing, or downright sickening than returning home from a hard earned vacation - only to find that your home had been robbed.  Burglary is a common thing these days, with burglary around the home occurring quite frequently.  When you go on a vacation, you shouldn't have to worry about the condition of your home and your things. If you plan ahead before you go on your vacation - you can help to minimize the risks of anything going wrong.


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